Venue: Newport Chess Club
Start Time: 7.45
Tournament Rules
A 5 round swiss tournament with a new variant in each round followed by a group exchange match
The 5 variants are described in detail below and will be:
Rejection Chess
Circe Chess
Portal Chess
Beirut Chess
Knights are God
Time Control
180+ (5 min)
140-179 (7 min)
101-139 (9 min)
100 and below (10 min)
Entry Fee/Prizes
There will be no entry fee and no prizes
Variant Rules
Rejection Chess
Each turn a player has the right to refuse the first proposed move of their opponent but then the opponent can propose a second move which much be accepted. If a player has only one legal move this move must be accepted. Two moves promoting a pawn but to a different piece each time count as two separate moves.
Circe Chess
Captured pieces are immediately reborn on a starting square of that type of piece and can then move as normal on the opponents turn. If there is more than one available starting square the player who captured the piece has the choice of which square to place it on. If the starting square is occupied the captured piece cannot be reborn and is thus removed from the board as normal.
If a pawn is captured it is reborn but only on the 5th, 6th or 7th rank (the capturer decides where).
These rules are best illustrated by an example:
White moves by capturing the d5 pawn. White must then choose which square on his 2nd, 3rd or 4th rank the pawn will resurrect. White chooses for this pawn to resurrect on A4.
On blacks turn he captures the f3 knight which then resurrects on g1 although black could have chose b1 if the square wasn't occupied. White then recaptures the bishop with his knight but as both blacks bishop squares are occupied the piece is removed from the board for the rest of the game.
Portal Chess
4 portals are marked on the board on F3, B5, F6 and B4. The portal on F3 corresponds with B5 and the portal on F6 corresponds with the portal on B4. If a piece lands on F3 it is immediately teleported to B5 (teleportation is compulsory so the players have no choice). If there is a piece on B5 that piece is captured as normal. Likewise if a piece lands on F6 it is immediately teleported to B4. The portal also works in the opposite direction so a piece that lands on B4 is teleposted to F6. Pieces can move over portals and this won't result in teleportation.
See below an example of how the portals work.
White to move and he chooses to play nf3 landing on the f3 portal. The knight is then immediately teleported to b5.
Black plays Qh4 safely passing over the portal. White then choose to use his turn to retreat his knight back through the portal.
Black realises he can retreat his queen to f6 and teleport capturing the knight on b4.
Beirut Chess
Before the game begins, each player secretly equips one of their pieces with a bomb by noting it down on a piece of paper. On their own turn, instead of moving a player may detonate their bomb which wipes out the bomb carrier and all pieces on squares adjacent to the bomb. If the bomb carrier is captured the bomb is defused without detonation. It is not revealed to the opponent that the bomb carrier has been captured.
In this position the white knight on d5 is carrying the bomb. White can choose to use his turn to detonate eliminating all pieces on adjacent squares.
Knights are God
Instead of knights moving 2 squares in 1 direction and 1 in the other or vice versa, the knight instead can move 3 squares in 1 direction and 1 in the other and vice versa. The knight may still be captured by the enemy as normal. However these knights can't move like normal knights so must always move 3 squares.
In this example the knight is covering all of the following squares:
Any friendly piece defended by a knight moves as a normal knight in addition to it's normal abilities.
In this example White's queen starts off on F2. It's not attacked by the Knight so it can only move as a queen. White moves to F2 when it is defended by the knight god so becomes a normal knight, checkmating the king.